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Rehabilitation Exercises after Cancer Operation

  Cancer patients can properly take some physical exercises after tumor excision, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Proper exercises help increase the white blood cells, a kind of cells that can swallow cancer cells and bacteria in blood, so as to enhance the immunity of patient. Besides, it can help to improve the metabolism and resistance. But a cancer patient should take the exercise step by step.

  How to have rehabilitation exercises after cancer operation?

  A patient can have proper exercise when his physical condition is good enough and that helps patient to recover functions of body.

  1) If there is no contraindication, a patient can get out of bed 1-7 days later than operation and walks around with the support of family members.

  2) If the operative trauma is severe and the patient is too weak to get off bed, he can have small movements like moving limbs and turning over on the bed.

  3) If one’s body recovers well, he can change the exercises to a walk, chigong, taiji, even jogging.

  A walk helps body to recover

  A walk is the first choice recommended in rehabilitation exercises of cancer patients. It is proper and easy, without the limits of time and space, all the cancer patients, except the bedrid ones, can take this exercise. Following is some tips about a walk:

  1) Patients, especially the old and weak ones should wear loose clothes and walk by holding crutch.

  2) Keep easy and relax emotion and steps in walking.

  3) The walking distance should base on patient’s physical condition.

  4) Time of walk. A walk in the morning can inspire one’s spirit. The walk after lunch can help digestion while before sleep, it can help the patient to relax mentally and promote sleep.

  Cancer Specialists from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou remind that, if a patient stays in bed for long would develop joint stiffness and sweeny. As staying in bed gets long, the time for patient to recover is longer. Through the exercises introduced above can prevent joint stiffness and sweeny, besides, that can also relieve decalcification of bones and formation of bedsore and thrombus, promote the appetite and inspire the health feeling of patients.

If you have any questions, please contact us via online consultation, email or phone call. If you find our website useful, please follow our FaceBook and YouTube, health information will be updated regularly.