Five daily necessities that contain carcinogenic factors

While talking about carcinogenic factors, people may think of the toxic substances like paint and food ingredients, etc. Actually, apart from these substances, some daily necessities also contain carcinogenic factors, such as toothpaste, bathroom tissues and waste bin.

 cancer, cancer prevention


It is considered that sodium laurylsulfate common used in toothpaste can cause intestinal and stomach diseases, as well as hepatotoxicity. It can increase the incidence of oral ulcer and oral cancer. Moreover, the abrasive in toothpaste is also considered harmful to the gum, which when attached by disease will increase the risk of stroke, osteoporosis, respiratory disease and diabetes, etc.

Bathroom tissues

Most tissues are recycled. To make them more beautiful in outlook, they are often added with dyeing agent, such as optical brightener and talcum powder. The whiter the tissues are, the more optical brightener or talcum powder has been added. Most of these additives contain compounds benzene. Some of the tissues with poor quality also contain formaldehyde, colon bacillus and hepatitis virus, etc. If the skin contacts with these substance for a long time, leukemia or other cancers are likely to occur.

Freshener, detergent

Many families like to put some freshener in the bathroom to refresh the air. However, they may not know that these fresheners are also compound chemicals, which can also induce canceration. It is recommended not to put any smell- eliminating agent. If you want to refresh the air, you can keep the window open or use exhaust fan.

Moreover, most families use cleaning supplies, disinfectant for instance. They are often put in the corner of the house or the bathroom. When vaporized, they release abandon toxic gas. If you take a shower with hot water in the bathroom, the toxin is even stronger. Besides, some disinfectant also contain dichlorobenzene, which can stimulate the respiratory tract, causing differentiation of cells and resulting in cancers like leukemia and lung cancer, etc.

Waste bin

A waste bin in the bathroom can accelerate bacterial reproduction and turn the bathroom into the seedbed of virus reproduction and source of infection. Therefore, the waste tissues should be washed down the toilet, instead of littered in the waste bin. For waste that cannot wash away, you can put it into a bag and throw into the garbage bin outside the house, so as to keep the bathroom clean and prevent it from air pollution.


All shampoos are compounds of detergent and other element without exception. Like the foaming agent used in bath products, once shampoo is exposed to the air, the formaldehyde and other emulsifying element in the shampoo will cause chemical change and produce a cancerogen named N-nitroso- diethanolamine. Since shampoo is a daily necessary of us, we should pay attention to its harmfulness.

Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou kindly remind that when buying shampoo, we should carefully read the instruction and choose the one with minimal detergent content. Do not wash your hair too frequently, so as to avoid exposing your head skin to the detergent. And prevent the shampoo from entering your eyes.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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