10 life styles for cancer prevention

Cancers can happen to anyone. On the other hand, everyone can proactively avoid the high risk factors of cancers. Moreover, it is easy and costless to practice, as long as you are willing to. Here, experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou are giving you an introduction of 10 life styles for cancer prevention.

 cancer prevention

1. Keep an eye on your BMI

Fat cells can produce and release hormone, which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Study confirms that esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, intestinal cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, kidney cancer and endometrial carcinoma are related to overweight. Therefore, people should control their body mass index (BMI) in between 18.5 and 22.9.

2. 30-minute sweating everyday

This is the most economical cancer prevention method, which only requires 30 minutes’ exercise per day and 5 days a week. Walking, dancing, cycling, climbing stairs, all these sports are practicable. Sports can adjust both free testosterone and estrogen in the blood. With regular and moderate exercise, women can reduce 30% of ovarian cancer risks.

3. Drinking green tea

It has been confirmed that green tea is helpful in cancer prevention, because it contains catechins, vitamin A, C and other antioxidants. Green tea has the largest content of these anti-cancer compositions among all teas, followed by oolong tea, and black tea the least.

4. Eat more fresh vegetable and fruit

Abundant intake of fruit and vegetable fiber every day can reduce the incidences of breast cancer, esophageal cancer and so on. Moreover, fruit and vegetable fiber can reduce intestinal carcinogenic factors and change the intestinal bacteria ecology to avoid cancer cell formation. It is advised to take in 5-7 sets of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, with per set vegetable about 100 grams in fresh weigh, and fruit about 150 grams.

5. Hold back fat temptation

In all dietary components, fat has the closest relationship with cancers, especially breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. To reduce intake of fat, we should choose low-fat or skim milk, replace part of meat with beans or bean products, abandon pork skin, fat, and fried-powder coated outer layer, do away with the cake cream or avoid cakes, and cook in ways of steaming, boiling and red cooking, in stead of frying.

6. Reduce intake of red meat

High intake of red meat like pork, beef and sheep, etc. can increase the risk of colon cancer by 30%. It is suggested that weekly intake of red meat should be less than 500 grams. Meanwhile, avoid smoking and processed meat, such as sausage, ham, bacon, etc.

7. Give up smoking and drinking

Smoking is a major risk factor of lung cancer. Moreover, it is also closely related to esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, head and neck cancers, prostate cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer. Smokers should give up smoking immediately, and non-smokers should avoid second-hand smoke.

8. Reduce intake of salt and sugar beverage

Daily intake of salt should be not more than 6 grams. Drink less sugar beverage. To be most ideal, drink plain boiled water. Daily intake of natural juice should not exceed 150 ㏄, and don't eat moldy cereals or legumes.

9. Breast feeding

Study indicates that breast fed babies will have lower risk of leukemia in the future, while their mothers will have lower risk of breast cancer. It is suggested that mothers should breast feed at least 6 months.

10. Eliminate pressure

Medical study found that stress can reduce immune function, while depression weakens the body’s ability of DNA restoration. As a result, incidence of cancers will be obviously increased. Therefore, it is advised to keep relaxed and reduce stress.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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