Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Held a Symposium of Medical Ethics Social Supervisors

  In the afternoon of February 26, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou held a symposium of medical ethics social supervisors in the hope of further strengthening medical ethics, broadly acquainting the existing problems related to medical services, medical quality and medical science development of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, so as to improve the quality of medical services. A total of 30 persons including vice president Lin Shaohua of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, directors of all the departments and social supervisors, attended the symposium.

 Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, medical services

  During the symposium, vice President Lin Shaohua briefly reported on public welfare activities held by the hospital in 2012 and obtained achievements in medical ethics construction. He pointed out that the hospital has deeply implemented the spirit "Three-good, One-satisfactory" of Health ministry of China and Provincial Health Department, adhering to the people-oriented high service levels, so as to improve medical quality, vigorously carry forward the noble medical ethics, and strive to forge a hospital of "good service, good quality, good medical ethics, public satisfaction". In order to promote the hospital medical quality, the hospital has specially hired 24 social supervisors to better provide more convenient, higher quality of medical service.

  During the symposium, social supervisors, on behalf of the construction work on the hospital’s medical ethics, spoke actively and enthusiastically talked about their own perceptions and other community’s views to our hospital. The social supervisors fully affirmed the hospital environment, medical equipment, medical quality and service level, and suggested that the hospital should strengthen promotional strength so as to benefit more foreigners and community residents. Besides, they also presented many valuable comments and suggestions on future construction and development of the hospital.

 Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, medical services

  Social supervisors have also visited the hospital environments, equipments, services and service features. Lin Shaohua said that through this event, the hospital will further deepen understanding and strengthen the system construction, establish and improve the mechanism of supervision, strengthen medical ethics construction, and make greater contribution to the people’s health and to promote community health development.

  Finally, Lin Shohola and departments’ directors issued the letters of appointment to the social supervisors.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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