Specialist localization, to realize zero obstacle medical communication

  On the afternoon of February 28, 2013, Bo Ai Medical Group Chairman Lin Zhicheng leading his delegation came to Hanoi office of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and conveyed greetings to the cancer experts and all the staffs there. He exchanged and talked with the staff on the work of office, during which he showed his approval and satisfaction to the effort and achievement of the office in recent years.

  The first oversea office

  On May 16, 2008, Hanoi office finally was set up after joint effort of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. As the first oversea office of the hospital, Hanoi office went through many difficulties. All the staff paid much efforts in all aspects including fund raising, recruitment and to win the trust and approval of Vietnamese people. In the recent five years, Hanoi office is growing and getting stronger. Its services are continuously improved, which won trust and favor of Vietnamese people and set an example for other oversea offices.

  Hanoi office has long-term resident professional cancer experts, who have been providing free patient medical consultation to each cancer patient all the time. As a bridge of advanced medical technology and high-quality medical service exchange between China and Vietnam, it has made much effort, which is only a little part of its services though. For patients who have decided to come to China for treatment after comprehensive consultation and consideration, the office also provides them assistance in Visa application, air-ticket reservation and airport pick-up services, etc., while for those who have taken treatment and come back to Vietnam from China, the office also regularly follows up their condition, gives them guidance in diet, sleep and other daily nursing care. Most importantly, all these services are free of charge. Vietnamese cancer patients have expressed great appreciation to these considerate services.

  Every time when the Vietnamese cancer patients came back to Vietnam after treatment, they would go to the office to present flowers, silk banners and grateful letters to express their appreciation. In the recent five years, Hanoi office has gained numberless appreciation, which deeply touched the staffs and became motive power to their constant progress.

  Specialist localization, to provide the most satisfied medical service

  In the past, there were many communication obstacles between patients and specialists during consultation, because the specialists of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou used to send to Hanoi office were domestic Chinese cancer specialists with rich clinical experience in cancer treatment. The visiting patients and their families need to delivery their symptoms, treatment history and examination results through interpreters, and experts gave them treatment plan and reason through interpreters after analysis. Thus, the communication was rather complicated and could not really be free and smooth. Besides the language obstacles, cultural and dietary habit differences were also natural barrier between patients and specialists.

  Therefore, to realize zero obstacle communication between patients and specialists, Hanoi office specially hired former assistant manager of Ha Thanh Hospital and assistant Chairman of Hanoi Society of Internal Medicine, Dr. Bui Nguyen Kiem to provide patients with medical consultation service. This action combined China’s medical concept, treatment technology and nursing care with Vietnam’s medical services. It is a breakthrough of China’s and Vietnam’s inherent medical modes and a new development of the office breaking through the tradition. Dr. Bui Nguyen Kiem has rich clinical treatment experience. With him as the consultation specialist, we believe the office will bring new hope to Vietnamese cancer patients. Regarding this, Chairman Lin expressed that being practical and innovative with both good character and professional competence are spiritual and talent philosophy of Bo Ai. Hanoi office leads other oversea offices in innovation and talent cultivating. It is an example of the other offices.

  Love is boundless, medicine is borderless

  Hanoi office not only cares about the treatment of cancer patients, but meanwhile adhere to the tenet “love without border” while providing services to all cancer patients. In July, 2012, a child from Hanoi, Nguyen Van Da, came to the office for consultation after being diagnosed with facial rhabdomyosarcoma and failed to get effective treatment. Later, he came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and finally got very effective treatment. However, he almost failed to get the treatment due to poverty. Hearing about his financial problem, the office and all the staff of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou successfully made two donations for him. Meanwhile, the hospital also reduced part of his treatment cost by using Bo Ao Foundation and seeking for medical support among all social walks of life. Thus, Nguyen Van Da and his family overcame the difficulties. His parents were very grateful for such borderless love of Modern Cancer Hospital and its Hanoi office. Now, Nguyen Van Da‘s condition is under control. The office still cares about the development of his condition. There are many other similar chartable events happening in the hospital and Hanoi office. Love without borders. Staff of Hanoi office wish to express their love and contribute every share of their strength to all cancer patients.

  As it is well known that the key of cancer treatment is early detection. To raise Vietnamese people’s sense of cancer prevention, Hanoi office set up the Cancer Club on April 25, 2012 with a hope to provide a mutual communication and exchange platform for cancer patients and their families. The club allows cancer patients and their families to gain prevention, nursing and diet knowledge through games in the form of health lectures and outdoor activities. With an application to the office only, people can join in the club and take part in its activities for free. Since its establishment, every activity of the club has been warmly welcomed by the participants.

  All deeds of Hanoi office were done with a hope to help more people get rid of cancer to enjoy healthy and happy life.

  Chairman Lin expressed on behalf of Bo Ai Medical Group greetings and appreciation to all the staffs in the office. He encouraged the staffs to continue consultation services for Vietnamese cancer patients and pass down the advanced treatment technology and high-quality medical services, so as to make contribution to Sino-Vietnam medical exchange and fight together to realize the most satisfied medical services.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Bo Ai Medical Group

Chairman Lin was taking pictures with Hanoi office staffs

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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