Modern Hospital Passes on Love Doing Charity Work -- The Eight Years of Modern Hospital (2)

  After China’s joining WTO, it grows rapidly from an immature supporting role on the stage of globalization into the second largest economy in the world with its total GDP ranking No.2. In the meantime, as information technology is progressing by leaps and bounds, genetic codes are being decoded successively. Disease viruses are changing continuously and new epidemic outbreaks occur unexpectedly. Health is considered as the most valuable fortune by all. Healthcare field is becoming a gold mine for capital contention. Every professional medical institute that produces health products carries an extraordinary mission since its birth.

  Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou regards defending human life and health as its value and “concern for the common, respect for life” as its mission in en effort to shoulder the responsibility of public welfare and pass on the sincere love for life. Since its foundation, Modern Cancer Hospital has been practicing boldly and taking new paths as a pioneer. It brings economic benefit as well as social benefit as it has been devoted into public charity. “Modern people” have a deep faith: the development of an enterprise benefits from the society, so we should return to the society.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  Concern for the common, respect for life

  Since its foundation, Modern Cancer Hospital, has cooperated successively with Guangdong Overseas Chinese Federation Charitable Fund, Information Times Community Fund, China Gender Healthcare Project, China Appearance Rescue Organization. The hospital regularly carries out free medical care charity activities. It answers to the appeal of the Health Ministry and first carries out lump sum for treatments in Guangzhou. It helps and rescues disadvantaged groups in various ways in an effort to return to society by practical means. Health lectures, voluntary medical activities, free body check for citizens and health education are carried out to spread health knowledge to thousands of houses.

  For all these years, Modern Cancer Hospital has reduced and exempted medical charges up to one million yuan, gave hundreds of thousands of yuan to poor patients and donated millions of yuan to charity funds. Its contribution to social healthcare has gained highly appraise from the society. Gift banners, thank-you notes and reports from media inside and outside of the province are best explanations for the “Modern” true love.

  Looking back at the eight years of Modern Cancer Hospital:

  In 2006, became one of the hospitals first to get the qualification to practice maternal and child healthcare and termination of unwanted pregnancies. It established the first rescue center for unwanted teenage pregnancies in China, which drew great attention from the society;

  In 2007, Department of Gynecology of Modern Cancer Hospital and Guangdong Overseas Chinese Federation co-established “Orchid Ribbon Female Diseases Assistance Fund” which has helped tens of thousands of overseas Cantonese women.

  In 2008, the hospital launched China Orchid Ribbon Charity Event.

  In 2009, Modern Hospital was awarded as Advanced Unit of Practicing TCM Diagnosis and Treatment by China TCM Administration Bureau. The hospital and China Population Association jointly initiated Healthy China Gender Health Project. Since then the project has provided health screening and disease treatments for south China women.

  In 2010, the title of “Chinese Demonstration Base of Standard Gynecology Diagnosis and Treatment” was conferred on the hospital by Chinese Physician Association. It provides health screening and disease treatments for South China women.

  In 2011, it earned the title “Honest Medical Institution in Guangzhou” given by Southern Metropolis Daily, Information Times, and Department of Gynecology performed minimally invasive surgeries and successfully removed the largest myoma of uterus in South China.

  In 2012, Modern Hospital was the first to carry out cervical cancer vaccination jointly with Hong Kong and South China. It also launched “the 12th Five-Year Health Plan—Women’s Health Fund” project jointly with China Population Association. It raised funds for a 4-year-old Vietnam cancer patient little Duoduo twice and reduced the patient’s medical fees.

  In 2013, in a response to the provincial government’s call “to promote public welfare together, to build a happy Guangdong”, the hospital supported the women’s plan. Additionally, it carried out the plan to “visit the African families”.

  Minimally invasive technique as the distinguishing feature, a gorgeous turn

  In recent years, with the encouragement and under the guidance of the government, more social capital is invested in healthcare field and the competition is increasingly fierce. Modern Cancer Hospital realizes that a sustainable development mode must be found. As a specialty hospital whose distinguishing feature is minimally invasive technique, Modern Cancer Hospital has always stressed the corporate spirit of “cooperation, sharing, pragmatic, strive, tolerate, progress”. Using the hospital’s own advantages and features, it aims to run a professional general hospital of characteristics with professional attitude. The scale of medical facilities is continuously improving, the hospital’s economic benefits are increasing year by year, medical ethics and practices are guaranteed by the system, the principle of costing optimization is strictly implemented for drugs, lots of public charity activities are done to show the hospital’s social function.

  Eight years of trials and hardships, eight years of hard effort. Modern Cancer Hospital is changing the long-term situation of “small size, loose connection and chaotic state” in private healthcare sector with its enlarging scale and leading role in the industry. It has accomplished the gorgeous turn from a junior among hospitals to a specialty hospital with domestic and overseas patients. Through eight years of bold exploration and practice, Modern Cancer Hospital has won government and public trust and support and become an internationally renowned specialty hospital with its highly experienced experts, rigorous academic attitude, superb medical technology, hi-tech diagnosing and treating equipments, cozy medical environment, sound service facilities, humanized service and perseverance in promoting public welfare.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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