Promoting China-Philippines Friendship Enhancing Exchanges and Cooperation ——Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation Visits Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  On November 6th 2013, a delegation from Chinese-Filipino Guild visited Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. The delegation was consisted of their Vice Chairman Cai Yongning, their Secretary General Huang Tiankuang and their members Wang Renhong, Cai Xinmao and Xu Youzhong. They were warmly welcomed by President Wang Huaizhong, Vice President Chen Bing, Vice President Lin Shaohua and other department heads of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou.

  Chinese-Filipino Guild was established in 1980, under the encouragement of Chinese Embassy in the Philippines. It was united by Chinese-Filipino Sports Association, Chinese-Filipino Martial Sports Association and Chinese-Filipino Youth Friendship Association. In the past 30 years, it has made a positive contribution to promote the friendly communication and cooperation of Chinese and Filipino people. Chinese-Filipino Guild has established a friendly cooperating relationship with Boai Medical Group for a long time and once held a Medical Seminar jointly with the Manila Office of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. This visit will be more conductive to the friendship and cooperation of Chinese and Filipino people. Furthermore, it will be more meaningful for further help to solve the health problems of Filipino people.

Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation Visits Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  To Experience the Service and See the Environment

  In the morning, the delegation was firstly arranged to have a medical examination set to first-hand experience the medical environment and humanistic services of Modern. After that, they visited the whole hospital, including the medical facilities, the VIP wards and the dietary kitchens, in order to know more about the hospital. All the members of the delegation appreciated the environment and the service of Modern.

Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  The Delegation Visit a Filipino Inpatient

  To Visit the Patients and Feel the Sounds of Home

  While visiting the whole hospital, the delegation also paid a visit to the inpatients that come from Indonesia and Philippines and asking them about the medical service and curative effect during their stay here. When they walked into the ward of a Filipino patient, both of the visitors and the patient with her family members felt the sounds of home. They talked a lot and we could see smile always on their faces. This patient and her family members said they felt very satisfied and grateful with the considerate medical service and comfortable inpatient environment. They also highly praised the various health consultation services of Modern to the Filipino people.

Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou  

President Wang Give Souvenirs to the Delegation Members

Chinese-Filipino Guild Delegation, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  Group Photo of Modern Cancer Hospital Leaders and Delegation Members

  To Promote China-Philippines Friendship and Enhance Exchanges and Cooperation

  In order to promote the friendly communication and cooperation of China-Filipino people, the hospital leaders held an exchange meeting for the visitors after their visit. At the meeting, President Wang made a full-scale introduction of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou in detail, thus the delegation got a further understanding of the featured technologies of Modern, such as the Minimally Invasive Targeted Treatment. Their Vice Chairman Cai Yongning indicated that they were so satisfied with the arrangement made by Modern for their visit. In the future, they expected to keep long-term cooperation with Modern and will actively support all the activities taken by Boai Medical Group for Love Transmission and Health Defense.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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