One Yuan Jingwen Milk, Power to Save A Girl’s Life
  “ One Yuan Jingwen Milk”, “ Buy a cup of Jingwen Milk to save a girl’s life” …

  In the morning of December 18th, the temperature was only 6℃ in Guangzhou. However, at the exit D of Xiao Bei Metro Station, it was warmer than usual. More than ten volunteers from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and Guangzhou Volunteer Association worked together in the cold wind to sell Jingwen milk to the passer-bys.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

One Yuan Jingwen Milk  

   Who is Jingwen?

  At the age of 4, she began to learn cooking; at the age of 7, she began to shoulder most of the housework; now at the age of 9, leukemia falls to her body. However, she plan to donate her body organs… She is Wang Jingwen, a girl from Hunan province, who likes singing and dancing like other children but much more mature than others. Her father once had a leg fracture and had a steel plate in his left leg; her mother suffered from breast cancer five years ago. They owed a debt of more than 200 thousand RMB because of their treatment. However, five months ago, Little Jingwen was diagnosed with leukemia. It’s really another big shock to this unfortunate family.
  It is such a troubled family that makes Little Jingwen stronger and more thoughtful. Although she is suffering from great pain both physically and mentally; although the huge medical expenses have driven her and her family in despair; she can still comfort her mother with smile “ Mum, don’t cry. I will not feel painful if you don’t cry.” However, what Little Jingwen wants to do is far more than this. Except for doing housework and taking care of her parents, she also tried her best to raise money for their treatment. This time, Little Jingwen launched this charity activity of “ One Yuan Jingwen Milk”, under the help of volunteers from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and Guangzhou Volunteer Association. She hope o raise more love donation for her and her mother’s medical expense.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

 Little Jingwen

   Thank You and Best Wishes for You

  In the cold winter morning, Little Jingwen was also busy helping with the charity sale. She is so lovely and lively that you can not see her different from normal children. All people on the scene were touched by her optimism. They all stopped and bought milk from the little girl. Although some of them have already had breakfast, they also put money into the donation box and left the milk to others.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

Jingwen is helping the staffs sell milk

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

a foreigner is buying milk

  The hurried office workers, the old grandmas and grandpas, the foreign friends… more and more people gave their love to this family and made the cold winter day warmer with love. Little Jingwen said “ Thanks” to everyone and gave them the warm milk by herself. 300 cups of “One Yuan Milk” were sold out quickly, but they finally got 1279.2 Yuan. Little Jingwen said she would always be grateful to those who gave them a hand.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

Jingwen is saying "Thanks" to a grandpa

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

a young man is buying Jingwen Milk

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

a disabled man is buying Jingwen Milk


   Great Attraction to Many Media Reports

  Love is far more than this. Many television and newspaper media, such as Guangdong TV, Today Online, Guangzhou Daily, Nanfang Daily, Nanfang City News, New Express and Information Times, also came to the charity sale and interviewed Little Jingwen and her parents. After learning the situation of this family, all these media said they will put their story on the television, newspapers and the internet to call for more people to help them.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

Jingwen's mother

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

TV interview

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou,Little Jingwen,Love Milk

Jingwen's father

  At the same time, volunteers and netizens from Guangzhou also build a Taobao Shop on the internet named as “One Yuan Jingwen Milk”, but this milk is virtual. All the donation in the online shop will be the medical expenses for Little Jingwen. After Jingwen’s surgery, if there is money left, it will be donated to other leukemia patients.
  Finally, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou also called for everyone to care about patients with leukemia. They hope more and more people can join in the volunteer team of bone marrow donation. It’s generally very hard for leukemia patients to find the matching bone marrow for transplantation. However, maybe about 5ml bone marrow from your donation can save a person’s life.

Watch videos about One Yuan Jingwen Milk at:

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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