Fighting Cancer Bravely and Passing Positive Energy -- Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Held Monthly Anticancer Warrior Award Ceremony

At 3:30pm, November 26, the Monthly Anticancer Warrior Award Ceremony was held in the conference room on the 9th floor of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. More than 30 patients from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand, etc, presented this activity.

At the ceremony, Mrs. Ma Xiaoying, Chief Physician of Oncology Department, awarded the certificate as well as trophy, presents and bouquet to four anticancer warriors including Mrs. Anggrianii Taniadi and Mr. Ali Kasim from Indonesia, Mrs. Songsri from Thailand and Mr. Huynh Cuu from Vietnam, to commend their optimism and bravery in fighting cancer. After anticancer videos, the four warriors were invited to share their experience in fighting cancer in front of the audiences and pass their bravery to other cancer patients.

Firstly, the four anticancer warriors expressed their thanks to the hospital medical stuffs. Among them, Mr. Huynh Cuu said he was lucky to come to Modern Cancer hospital Guangzhou to receive the minimally invasive treatment which gave him a second life, because when in local hospital he was sentenced to death, but now he has regained a new hope for life. Mr. Ali Kasim, who was admitted due to hepatic space-occupying lesions in left liver, said when came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, he could not even walk normally but now the tumor in his liver has basically disappeared and his condition is well controlled, which is attributed to the tender care of all medical stuffs. Both Mrs. Anggrianii Taniadi and Mrs. Songsri encouraged people with cancer not to give up their treatment. They encouraged them to have confidence in themselves and the hospital, and fight cancer with patience and strong determination.

It is said that after integrative treatment such as interventional therapy and seed implantation, the condition of four anticancer warriors are stable at present. Their optimism will encourage more cancer patients in the hospital.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Anticancer Warrior

Group photo of Mrs. Anggrianii Taniadi and Dr. Ma Xiaoying

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Anticancer Warrior

Dr. Ma Xiaoying awarded the prize and presents to Mrs. Songsri

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Anticancer Warrior

Group photo of Mr. Huynh Cuu and his wife and Dr. Ma Xiaoying

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Anticancer Warrior

Mr. Ali Kasim and his wife accepted the award and gifts

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Anticancer Warrior

Group photo of all anticancer warriors and their dependents

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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