Hand in Hand to Fight against Cancer

Breast Cancer, Prevention, Lecture, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Three people were honored as the “Non-border Tumor Prevention and Treatment Volunteer”

On July 24th, 2015, with the theme of “Hand in Hand, Away Cancer Goes”, a volunteer training lecture on non-border tumor prevention and treatment was held on the first floor Coffee Bar of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Dozens of patients and their families sat together to learn more knowledge about cancer.

Every one fears of the high mortality of cancer. Early prevention and early detection are necessary for the situation improvement. Many people presented there that day had been tortured by cancer before, they were eager to make contributions to help more patients. In order to help more patients and their families get to know more knowledge about cancer prevention and treatment, Dr. Wang Zenghai specially took time to give the audiences a lesson about self-examination and prevention of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer, Prevention, Lecture, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Dr. Wang Zenghai was making explanations.

Starting with the importance of breast to women, doctor Wang deeply analyzed the causes, features and treatments of breast cancer. He also taught the audiences how to do the self-examination of breast cancer. He said that to keep breast healthy, one should keep a good life style, such as no smoking and drinking. A good daily routine is also important to the prevention of breast cancer; one should go to bed early, get up early and keep a good mood. Moreover, women should avoid using cosmetics and drugs with hormone. Cancer is not equal to death, Dr. Wang emphasized that early detection and early treatment are vitally important because patients can restore to health if the tumor is detected early and treated early.

Breast Cancer, Prevention, Lecture, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

The audience was asking questions.

Patients and their families not only listened to Dr. Wang carefully, but also interacted actively with Dr. Wang. Dr. Wang patiently answered various questions put up by patients and their family members. The atmosphere was so warm that attracted many people stop to listen, some even took out their mobile phone to record video. At the end of the lecture, three people were selected to become the first group of “Non-border Tumor Prevention and Treatment Volunteer” of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. They were awarded the honorary credential and scorecard, which could used to exchange medical service items. The three volunteers showed their willingness to spread knowledge of cancer prevention, so as to help more patients find the right treatment and get rid of cancer.

It’s reported that the lecture series will be held in every Friday afternoon, with the themes of various cancer diseases. Both medical service and love without boundaries, we hope that more people can get to know cancer and overcome the fear of cancer.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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