Protect Immune Cells to Keep the Flower of Life Blossoming

On August 28, 2015, the sixth volunteer training lecture on non-border tumor  prevention and treatment was held for Thai patients and their families in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. The senior oncologist Liu Lvguang gave a lecture on immune cells which attracted the audience’s attention.

Immune Cells, Immune Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Lecture

Professor Liu was giving a lecture.

Immune cells can automatically recognize and eliminate the bacteria and viruses which invaded the body, and deal with the aging, damaged, dead, and cancerous cells. There are different kinds of immune cells with different functions, including NK cells, γδT cell, T cell, etc. Professor Liu indicated that the body produced numerous cancer cells at all times, while immune cells were able to swallow and eliminate them and keep the body healthy. But when the body did not have enough immune cells, the body would lose the ability of swallowing cancer cells. And then the cancer cells would accumulate and attack the normal cells to develop cancer. Therefore, it was significant to protect immune cells in body. Besides, natural therapy for cancer patients could activate immunity function, radically eliminate cancer cells, and effectively improve the treatment effect.

Immune Cells, Immune Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Lecture

The audience was seriously listening to the lecture.

Professor Liu said, “At present, cancer treatment has reached at the molecular level. Immune cell therapy attains international standards. We should use advanced treatment to fight against cancer and keep the flower of life blossoming.”

Immune Cells, Immune Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Lecture

Professor Liu was answering the patient’s questions.

The patients and their families were absorbed in the lecture, actively asked questions, and showed gratitude to Professor Liu for giving them a wonderful lecture. And then, they were all willing to become “non-border tumor prevention and treatment volunteers” of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, and received the honorary credentials and scorecards. When they helped other cancer patients, they could get scores for exchanging free treatment in the hospital.

Immune Cells, Immune Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Lecture

Patients and their families received honorary credentials.

In order to help cancer patients get to know more about anticancer knowledge, reduce their fears of cancer, and built their confidence to fight against cancer, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou arranges this series of lectures for them every Friday and spread positive energy against cancer.

Immune Cells, Immune Cell Therapy, Cancer Treatment, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Lecture

The joint photo of volunteers

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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