Director and Experts of National Cancer Center Singapore Visit Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, cancer treatment in China
Group photo of leadership of St. MCHG and director of NCCS

July, 3rd, 2016, director of National Cancer Center Singapore, Dr. Soo Khee Chee, senior director of surgical oncology, Dr. Teo Ching Ching Melissa and Dr.Tan Ngian Chye and other accompanies arrive at St. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for inspection and experience exchange. They are warmly received by General manager Lin Shaohua, director Wang Huaizhong of St. MCHG and other division directors.

Accompanied by leadership of St. MCHG, director and experts of NCCS visit International Remote Consultation Center, VIP rooms and standard rooms of the new endemic area. Later on, communication forums is hold in multifunction meeting room of administrative building.

Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, cancer treatment in China

Visiting the VIP rooms

During the meeting, Wang Huaizhong, director of St. MCHG introduces the hospital development overview, including quality, medical products, talent team, research projects, number of patients and future development planning. Next, director of hospital Oncology Department Peng Xiaochi, department of Quality Control director Xiong Yumei, director of the International Remote Consultation Center Yang Gang and other responsible persons briefed minimally invasive treatment and their characteristics, quality and safety management system, operation of remote consultation center, etc. respectively. In-depth discussion and exchanges regarding currently facing challenges is also a part of the meeting.

Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, cancer treatment in China

Communication forums

After an overall visiting St. MCHG, as well as listening work presentation, Dr. Soo Khee Chee puts forward proposals and also indicates as, “Being a proactive, clear development goal aimed hospital, supported by authority of the JCI certification requirements, strict quality control and safety system and abundant Perennial Real strength, St. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is bound to have a bright future.”

Finally, St. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and National Cancer Center Singapore reach a future learning and exchanging cooperation, including inviting NCCS leading experts for patient consultation regularly, sending hospital administrators, and medical personnel to the NCCS for training, realizing medical technology resources complement. What’s more, these initiatives will be detailed in the near future and applied into specific places.

Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, cancer treatment in China

Group photo of leadership of St. MCHG, director and experts of NCCS

As an authoritative JCI certified hospital, St. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou strictly devotes to self-improvement and self-transcendence in terms of safety and quality management, treatment technology, personnel training. Learning advanced management experience from National University of Singapore, facing communication with Mayo Clinic, and changes and cooperation with National Cancer Center Singapore, all of these activities always reflect the highest principle of St. MCHG --- “all patient-centered”.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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