Dhaka Office chief consultant Dr. Enamul Haque is carrying out the presentation
On May 2013 (Saturday) Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Dhaka Office Manager Li Hu led the six-member delegation team to carry out Gonosastho Bishwabidylay and Hospital visit. Dhaka office experts were warmly welcomed by honorable vice chancellor Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmad and pro vice chancellor Professor Dr. Md. Shahidullah and Professor Dr. S.A Hafiz and the teacher as well as the students of the faculty of medicine of Gonosastho Bishwabidylay.
First, the delegates visited the Gonosastho Hospital under the guidance of the hospital administrator Dr Md. Qader . Delegate team visited hospital’s gynecology, pediatrics’, orthopedics, medicine, ENT etc departments and carried out a detailed consultation and also visited their printing press named “Gono Press”.
Dhaka Office chief consultant Dr. Enamul Haque is carrying out the presentation
lecture scene of Dhaka Office Manager and cancer incidence analyst Wang Le
After visiting the hospital the principle of medical university led experts of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Dhaka Office to the Vice chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmad’s office. After a warm reception Dhaka Office Manager Li Hu and his entourage thanked the three professors for visiting Vice chancellor of Medicine warmly invited Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Dhaka Office chief consultant- The MDT team member of the Society of Bangladesh Secretary-General, Dr Enamul Haque, to carry out " new concept of cancer treatment - multidisciplinary treatment (A New Concept of Treating Malignant Tumors --- Multidisciplinary Combined Therapy) "lecture; at the same time, to invite the Dhaka office Executive Manager Jane Wang to carry out the" Prevention and Recovery of Cancer "lecture. During lectures doctors and medical students actively raised their hands to speak and consult. Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmad expressed great satisfaction for delivering such informative lectures by two experts of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Dhaka office.
Dean of Medicine is presented Thank you Crest
After finishing the lecture, Vice chancellor Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmad , on behalf of Gonosastho Bishwabidyalay and Hospital gifted a Honorary Crest to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzho. On behalf of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Dhaka Office manager Li Hu gifted honorary medals and gifts to the MDT experts group members of Bangladesh. After finishing of gifts exchanged part, a friendly photo session part took part.
Finally, Modern Cancer Hospital Dhaka had an official meeting with Banglad osastho School of Medicine. The aim of the meeting was to set joint publication on ‘New hope for cancer treatment - 13 as per different diseases methodology’. Dhaka office manager Li Hu, on behalf of the hospital thanks to Gonosastho Bishwabidylay for their recognition.
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