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Foreign Patients Have No Need to Go Out for Hair-Cut!

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou carries out Free Hair-Cut Activities.

In the afternoon of August 4th, on the ninth floor meeting room of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Volunteers from Dengfeng Integrated Family Service Center were carefully making hair-cut for foreign cancer patients. This was the 4th free hair-cut activity that held by Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and Family Integrated Service Center of Dengfeng Street. Patients and their family members from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries enjoyed the free services from the volunteers. Moreover, China Southern Television Station gave a follow-up reports about this activity.

The first one reach the scene was an Indonesian female patient. She asked the hairstylist to shave off her hair because she was upset about her hair losing. The hairstylist soon met her requirements. Although she had no hair now, she felt relaxed instead of worry. The staff told her that her hair would regrow after she finished her treatment.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Cancer Patients, Free Hair-Cut, Volunteers.

The hairstylists were making hair-cut for patients.

“When I was hospitalized in other hospitals, every time I wanted to wash my hair or have a haircut, I had no choice but to go to the nearby hair salon. It’s quite inconvenient because of the language barrier. Now the free hair-cut activity brings us lots of convenience!” Many patients and family members also said that the free hair-cut was a good activity which benefited them a lot.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Cancer Patients, Free Hair-Cut, Volunteers.

The reporter of China Southern Television Station was interviewing the hairstylists.

The reporter of China Southern Television Station interviewed Mr. Chen, a hairstylist of AC Hair Salon Consultant Center; he said that this was his second time to participate in the free hair-cut activity in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. He also participated in the free hair-cut activity which was held by the Dengfeng Integrated Family Service Center in the Luhu Park every Tuesday for several times to service the elders and children from the nearby communities. He said: “It needs more patience and carefulness when making a hair-cut for cancer patients, because the needle may still remain in their body. Considering their physical condition and mental condition, we will make the time shorter and the action softer.”

Modern Hospital Guangzhou used to ask the hairstylists to the ward if patient wanted to have a hair-cut, and the hairstylist would charge money. However, the free hair-cut activities held by Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou not only provide patients and their family with convenience, but also release their economical burden. The principal of Dengfeng Integrated Family Service Center indicated that they expanded their activities from communities to hospital, just because they wanted to service the foreign patients and help them have a better treatment and life in China. They also wanted to further promote their free hair-cut activities.

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