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A heart-shaped thank-you letter

  Elizabeth who is 73 years old was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 in a large hospital of America. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were suggested at that time but were refused by the consideration that she cannot endure the side effect. However, illness refused to leave her alone and cancer cells were beginning to spread to lymph nodes one year ago.

  In the ending of July this year, Elizabeth came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Expert team leading by Dr. Peng tailored a comprehensive treatment plan according to Elizabeth’s condition. When Elizabeth was just admitted, she was deeply tortured by illness that she had poor sleep quality and appetite, frequent cough with chest tightness, severe constipation, legs swelling, etc.

  Two daughters of Elizabeth felt heartache when thinking of their weak mother while they believed doctor can relieve their mother’s pain and control the disease. On the daily ward visit, the attending physician patiently answered their questions, explained the treatment methods to them and encouraged them to fight against cancer bravely, etc. All these things were small, but accordingly Elizabeth deeply felt there was great love in the world and got more confidence in the fight against cancer. And then after 20days, Elizabeth had obvious improvement of life quality: had less coughed at night, sleeping quality improved, Lower extremity edema decreased a lot and had rarely constipation, etc.

  Seeing this result, Elizabeth and her daughters felt surprised at the outstanding treatment effect and were grateful to the staff’s exquisite skills and sincere service. They made their thousands words into a thank-you letter which is arranged into heart-shape.

  Here below are original words of the thank-you letter:

cancer, love

  Dear Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou:

  We, the family of Elizabeth’s, would like to thank the doctors, nurses and all other staff of the hospital for giving our beloved mother a precious gift of hope to overcome the menace of cancer.

  Not only the use finds your treatment method thorough, fasting and measurable but also imbued with compassion and desire to help alleviate your patient’s condition. Though it is only God who knows how long we all shall stay on earth, at heartwarming that we have been struggling to protect and promote own health against especially the deadly disease.

  May you continue to sense as a becoming light to all who are afflicted.

  God bless us all!

                                                                                                                                                              Geug & Alex

                                                                                                                                                             21 Sept, 2012

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