No chemotherapy, minimally invasive treatment helps me fight against cancer!*

In front of our camera, with a pure white hat, she looks elegant and beautiful and occasionally smiles, who doesn’t look like a cancer patient at all. As a 67-year-old patient with papillary adenocarcinoma of ovary, she couldn’t imagine that she would undergo such pain and suffering. Especially one year ago, she lived happily with her husband and children in Djakarta. 

Grief: cancer hidden inside the minor surgery

In December, 2013, Ms. Rumani suddenly felt great pain in the right lower quadrant and then she felt paroxysmal pain. Because of the repeated pain, Ms. Rumani and her family were very worried. Sooner, the CT scan in local hospital confirmed that there was a lump in the right lower quadrant. The local doctors decided that on January 1st, 2014, made a surgical resection for Ms. Rumani. In doctors’ thought, it was just a simple and minor appendix operation; but unfortunately, during the operation, doctors found that the tumor invaded the ovary in right abdomen, and ovarian tumor adhered to the surrounding tissues seriously so that it couldn’t be removed. Therefore, doctors decided to remove the appendix after stripping the surrounding tissues. After surgery, Ms. Rumani was diagnosed with “ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma with appendix metastasis” again in a local hospital.

Being told the bad news, Ms. Rumani and her family fell in deep grief. She told us that, at that time, the local doctors had recommended chemotherapy, but she refused. That was because her sister died after receiving the chemotherapy in Singapore. By chance, she was told by her friends that Chinese medicine had good effect on cancer treatment so that she decided to take Chinese medicine at home. However, after taking nearly two-month Chinese medicine, her situation didn’t change at all and even worsened, because the tumor cells spred.

Hope: new technology to fight against cancer, without the pain of traditional chemotherapy

When Ms. Rumani’s family worried about Ms. Rumani, her brother learned about Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, and knew that in MCHG, many new technologies to treat cancer are offered. Therefore, they decided to come to Djakarta office of MCHG. “Doctors of MCHG showed us the videos about interventional therapy, cryotherapy and, seed implantation, as well as the patients’ CT scan before treatment and after treatment in MCHG. And in Indonesia, we never hear these new technologies which are different from chemical treatment. ” Ms. Rumani said excitedly. However, her children worried about that she went to foreign country for treatment. “They are worried about the language barrier and that I am not accustomed to living here. But all potential difficulties are overcome.” Ms. Rumani said with satisfaction. This is the fourth time for her to come to MCHG. Now, she makes many wardmates from Indonesia. They encouraged and gave comfort each other, getting rid of loneliness in foreign country.

Ms. Rumani, Ms. Rumani's husband and doctor

Surprise: interventional therapy and natural therapy make tumor shrink by 90%

On March 12th, 2014, with the help of staff in Djakarta office, Ms. Rumani and her husband came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. “Office staff helps us do with all matters to go to China. When we arrived in Guangzhou, the interpreter and driver of MCHG had waited for us, which is very thoughtful.” Ms. Rumani said with praise. After admission to MCHG, she was diagnosed with “ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma with appendix metastasis” and the tumor size was about 5x8cm. Quickly, MDT team of MCHG has a meeting about the treatment plan and decided to adopt the plan of “interventional therapy and natural therapy”. Her attending physician Lai Peisheng introduced that natural therapy can increase the number of immune cells, and achieve good therapeutic effect by improving the immune system, which plays a positive role in preventing and reducing the recurrence and metastasis of ovarian cancer. In addition, interventional therapy is especially appropriate for patients who are not willing to receive surgery; and it can restrain the growth and diffusion of tumor by embolization and perfusion. In this way, interventional therapy will starve the tumor to death. This is the fourth time for Ms. Rumani to receive treatment in MCHG. After seven times of interventional therapy and natural therapy, her tumor has shrunk by 90%, and now its size is about 3x2cm. With regard to therapeutic effect, she said excitedly, “After the third treatment, I feel much better. Therefore, I can take part in many activities which are organized by MCHG, including visiting Guangzhou Tower, Chinese learning calss.”

The CT scan

In a few days, Ms. Rumani will discharge from hospital and now she and her husband are planning to visit Shanghai and other places. “In MCHG, medical staff gives me thoughtful care; and I must also say thanks to my husband, because he has given the love that I cannot repay.” She said. At this moment, her husband gave her an affectionate kiss as encouragement, and she replied with a kiss. She and her husbang both believe in Christian and they think optimism is the true meaning of life. Due to such optimistic spirit, they are not afraid and finally defeat cancer.


Ms. Rumani and her husband

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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